National Gardening week 2019 at earnshaws fencing centres

Today marks the start of National Gardening Week 2019, the nation’s biggest celebration of gardening!

To make sure you’re fully prepared for this glorious celebration of gardening, why not pop down to your nearest centre. We have everything you need to tend, treat and cultivate your edible delights including planters, sleepers for raised beds, potting sheds, greenhouses, tools and great deals on compost!

This year’s theme is ‘Edible Britain’ to encourage green-fingered gardening fanatics to share their home-grown produce. This theme emphasises that no matter the size, location or capacity of your garden, anyone can grow something edible and delicious!

Since it first began back in 2011, the Royal Horticultural Society’s annual event has encouraged people of all ages to get stuck into gardening! Growing in popularity each year, National Gardening Week 2018 saw hundreds of events up and down the country, with thousands of people sharing their results on social media.

This year, the Royal Horticultural Society is aiming to get even more people involved in National Gardening Week, introducing a brand-new website with a whole crop of information about the various events to inspire hopeful gardeners. Click here to learn more and get involved.

We look forward to seeing the fruits (and veg) of your labour!