Earnshaws Middleton cabin

Putting one of our bespoke contemporary or traditional log cabins in your garden is a great way to create additional leisure and living space – and the good news is that in most cases you won’t need planning permission!

Since 2015, the planning legislation affecting sheds and cabins erected in gardens of private dwellings came under The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015.

earnshaws fencing centres planning permission

Regulations laid before parliament this May came into effect on 25th May 2019. The new legislation makes permanent what were previously temporary rights, allowing the extension of residential properties.

This means that under most circumstances a shed, cabin, playhouse or summerhouse will not require planning permission – the main exception being when it becomes “self-contained” living accommodation.

Or in other words – if you are using it for recreational, leisure or hobby purposes there is no need for planning permission. Further detail can be found here, and it’s always best to check with your local authority.

earnshaws fencing centres cabin collection planning permission

Details of our exciting range of sheds, premium sheds and cabins can be found here. Visit one of our centres soon to see our new displays for yourself and speak to one of our experts!