September in Your Garden 2022

The wistful transition from Summer to Autumn has begun!

As the temperatures drop across the UK, September marks the wistful transition from Summer to Autumn. It’s the time for making the most of home-grown fruit and vegetables, with pickles and preserves.

It’s also an opportunity to put firepits and chimeneas to good use and enjoy the last al fresco evenings of the season!


Picture of Herbs - September in your garden

Keep your garden looking and performing its best with these important tasks:

• Think about preserving and protecting timber buildings, fencing and furniture with a fresh coat of preservative.

• Tulips, daffodils and all other spring flowering bulbs can be planted in September and all the way through to November.

• Tidy up strawberry plants. Cut off the old leaves, leaving just the youngest in the middle. Weed the plant, looking specifically for fruit debris, which can harbour fungal disease spores and damage the next year’s crop.

• Divide and replant herbaceous perennials. Division of plants is most successful when the plants have stopped flowering and are not in active growth.

• Stop feeding container perennials. To discourage weak growth, cease feeding any perennials you are growing in containers.

• Save bean seeds for sowing. Leave French bean pods on the plants until they go brown and dry, and then cut them off. Open the pods to inspect the beans – store the good beans in an envelope until next spring.

• Cover late vegetable crops. Use cloches or horticultural fleece to cover late crops of vegetables, such as carrots and salads.

• Pot up herbs. Put herbs like basil, coriander, and parsley into pots to bring under cover.

• Plant wildflowers. September is the perfect time to sow and plant wildflowers, which benefit the larval stages of many pollinators.

• Remove dead leaves. Use a rake to keep borders and lawns free of dead leaves. Collect them to create leaf mould.

Visit any of our centres to pick up essential gardening tools!

What’s happening in September

Macmillan Coffee Morning at Midgley 30th Sept

Macmillan Coffee Morning at Midgley 30th Sept
Here is a date for your diary. Pop along for a coffee and a cake to help us raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Penistone Show

Penistone Show
Always a late summer treat, so why not support this great local show? visit the show website here.

In store now

Sustainable and vegan – friendly protection

Innovative German brand, Osmo, has just hit the shelves of our Midgley centre!
OSMO Sustainable and vegan - friendly wood preserver
Osmo is a German brand that uses carefully harvested natural oils and hard waxes to create a vegan-friendly product that has outstanding quality with a perfect finish.

• A range of high-quality decking protection oils, wood revival kits, and UV protectant oil.
• Keep your decking, garden furniture, gates, and timber products looking brand new.
• Using carefully harvested natural oils and hard waxes.
• Vegan-friendly products.
• Outstanding quality with a perfect finish.

To find our range of Osmo products, please head over to our Midgley centre. We also operate interbranch transfers so if you’re a Brigg customer, please speak to one of our sales team who will be happy to arrange for stock to be transferred for you.

Water butts

Water Butts and Watering Cans
Now the hose pipe ban is in full force across Yorkshire, it’s a great time to invest in one of our water butts for your garden.
We also stock a wide range of watering cans to suit every budget. From plastic cans starting at £3.99 to our contemporary metal Burgon and Ball watering cans from £30.99

Stock up on firewood and logs

Heritage log stores
At Earnshaws, we cut and split our logs to produce some of the cleanest and best-burning firewood available.

It’s been non-stop for our firewood team as they’re working hard to make sure we’re stocked up and ready for when those cooler nights are upon us

Seasoning logs to reduce the water content is vital for an efficient and clean burning stove which will significantly reduce air pollution. Our Heritage log stores provide an attractive way of letting the ageing process take place naturally.

Ready to harvest in September

Time to enjoy the rich bounty of September and set some produce aside for the winter

Jams and Preserves - September in your garden

Fruits for crumbles, jams, preserves and winter tipples!
• Apples & pears
• Quinces, medlars
• Plums, damsons
• Autumn raspberries
• Perpetual strawberries
• Figs

Vegetables for salads, soups and pickles.
• Tomatoes
• Salad crops
• French & runner beans
• Courgettes, cucumbers
• Peppers
• Sweetcorn
• Onions & shallots
• Marrows, pumpkins & squashes
• Globe artichokes

Book Club

The River Cottage Preserves Handbook
The River Cottage Preserves Handbook

Here is a popular choice from the River Cottage. Full of ideas and tips to make the most of your produce.

Last Word

In the garden, Autumn is, indeed the crowning glory of the year, bringing us the fruition of months of thought and care and toil. And at no season, safe perhaps in Daffodil time, do we get such superb colour effects as from August to November.

– Rose G. Kingsley, The Autumn Garden, 1905

Stay safe,

From all the team at Earnshaws.